Expert Skiing at Park City

Discover the thrill of expert skiing at Park City Mountain Resort. Explore the top black diamond and double black diamond runs for an unforgettable adventure on the slopes.

Woman Skiing under Gondola at Park City

5 Can't-Miss Expert Trails for Skiing at Park City 

If you’re looking for terrain to test your skills and endurance, Park City has what you’re after. Beyond offering over 7,300 skiable acres, Park City's expert skiing offers some of the steepest and most elevated runs in the West. 

You’ll also have access to world-class lodging at the resort, ensuring an unforgettable stay in the region. 

Park City Black Diamond Runs to Explore

Here are some of the challenging, most thrilling, and downright expert runs to explore at Park City. 

1. Jupiter Bowl

Jupiter Bowl is a top Park City double black diamond run hot spot. It sits on approximately 900 acres and offers some of the most challenging runs you'll encounter on the mountain.  

The bowl is at a higher elevation compared to other parts of the resort, with the peak sitting at 10,026 ft. As such, you'll have plenty of deep, fresh snow to ski on, accompanied by steep shots through the trees. 

Although there are different ways to reach the bowl, the most convenient is taking the Jupiter 2-chair lift. One thing you’ll love about the expert terrain is that it offers fantastic fall lines. So, choose your line and get ready for the run of a lifetime. 

2. McConkey’s Bowl 

On the other side of Jupiter Peak is McConkey’s Bowl. It was named after Canadian skiing Hall of Famer Jim McConkey, one of the first-ever extreme skiers and director of Park City's ski school in the 60s. As such, even though its elevation is not as high as Jupiter’s, it’s just as challenging. 

For Park City regulars, one thing that stands out about this bowl is that you can expect a different challenge from the runs depending on the time of year you visit. The steepness of ski lines changes periodically based on snowfall.

Many of McConkey’s runs are close to each other, so you won’t have to look far to find your next challenge. You’ll even be pleased to find some starting at the foot of the run you’ve just completed. 

You can easily access this area using McConkey’s Express, which leaves you within walking distance of many runs in the bowl. 

3. Motherlode Express 

If you want an abundance of Park City expert skiing runs, take the Motherlode Express to the top. This area has narrow, steep, and challenging chutes that will get your adrenaline pumping. You can make your way down via several black and double blacks, including Motherlode Meadows, Mikey's, and Fool's Gold. 

4. Limelite

Limelite off the mid-station of the Quicksilver Gondola offers terrain that requires great technical ability to navigate. Follow the fall line to Lite's Out, which will bring you to the bass of Motherlode Express.

Looking for more thrills? Pinecone Ridge's hike-to terrain provides fresh powder for those willing to work for it.

5. Western Boundary 

By taking the Super Condor Express on the western side of the resort, you'll have access to over five Park City double black diamond runs lined up in quick succession. However, the one that stands out most is the Western Boundary Run. 

This run has such a steep slope that you'll barely be able to see the bottom. Plus, it features numerous trees, narrow chutes, and tight turns that'll keep you on your toes. This is one of the steeper lines at the mountain, so stay engaged and get after it. 

Some of the other runs you should consider trying in this route include the A Chute, Lone Pine, Funnel Cloud, and After Shock. 

An Experience that Goes Beyond Skiing 

There are plenty of expert trails for you to explore at Park City Mountain, but there are many other off-mountain niceties as well, like a comfortable place to retreat to each evening and a nice massage. 

This is why Park City Mountain is the ideal place to call home as you explore the mountain’s expert skiing opportunities. The top-notch accommodation ranges from lodges that offer modern amenities to cabins where you can get simple elegance. This is accompanied by fine dining options, allowing you to enjoy the best local and international cuisine. 

Book your stay today to have unparalleled access to the best Park City black diamond runs and a wide range of off-slope activities too!